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Shoulder Pain? What to know and when to seek help!

shoulder pain

Shoulder pain is unfortunately quite a common complaint. It seems to increase as we age. There are many potential causes of shoulder complaints which can occur with injury or trauma, everyday wear and tear or even overuse. The pain may also be referred from another part of your body such as your neck.

Tingling or numbness in hands or feet?

tingling numbness hands or feet

Do you suffer from tingling or numbness in hands or feet? This can actually be quite common and can be quite distressing. The feeling can sometimes be temporary and simple in nature. It could, for example, result from poor sleep posture placing temporary pressure on a nerve when your arm is bent under your head when […]

Slipped disc? Sciatica or leg pain?

slipped disc

Do I have a slipped disc? My back hurts! My leg hurts! Slipped disc? Although it’s not widely known, Chiropractic has considerable success in treating disc disorders, especially in the low back. In fact, very few people who are told they have a disc problem understand what such a diagnosis really means. The disc is […]