• Scoliosis •

Chiropractic offers non-invasive care for Scoliosis

Diagram of Scoliosis

Did you know the name scoliosis derives from the Greek word meaning bent or curved?

Scoliosis can affect anyone and most commonly develops during childhood with a higher percentage occurring in females. Symptoms vary in each person from feeling no pain at all to extreme pain and postural changes.

Often pain and postural changes only occurs once the scoliosis is advanced.

This is one reason why regular chiropractic care is recommended in the absence of any symptoms.

What Is Scoliosis?

X-ray of Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a lateral (sideways) curvature of the spine.

It is characterised by postural changes such as a raised shoulder, a prominent shoulder blade or one hip appearing somewhat higher than the other.

A scoliosis can range in severity from being a very minor problem to a life threatening condition.

X-rays are essential to diagnose the severity of scoliosis to see its location and shape and if there are any underlying structural abnormalities.

The scoliotic curve is measured in degrees and in children an early measurement on the x-ray is vital in monitoring the progression of scoliosis.

Different Types of Scoliosis

  • Idiopathic (unknown cause) – many theories exist but nothing definitive has been proven. It may be linked to neurological development or even genetics, this is the most common.
  • Structural – caused by degenerative, traumatic or congenital issues that affect the spine. such an abnormality is present from birth, an injury or an infection.
  • Functional – a curve in the spine due to posture and functional changes, this is not a fixed curve and can be corrected by improving muscle and joint function and removing any aggravating factors.

Childhood Scoliosis and Chiropractic

Childhood scoliosis examination

The treatment of scoliosis is based on the child’s age, how much more they are likely to grow as well as the type and the size of the scoliosis, it is different for each individual.

Minor scoliosis usually needs no invasive treatment. Chiropractic treatment and a tailored exercise program is usually the most efficient way to help with mild cases.

If the scoliosis is severe enough a child might need bracing or even surgery. Again these are in the most severe of cases and are arranged in partnership with your doctor and orthopaedic surgeon.

How Do You Monitor Scoliosis?

The younger the child is when scoliosis appears the greater the chance of curve progression.

For those children who develop scoliosis at an early age regular x-rays and monitoring is extremely important. In severe cases this may need to be done through a specific specialist programme.

Once growth is complete there is very little chance of further progression of scoliosis however it predisposes patients to osteoarthritis later in life especially if functionality is not maintained.

Seeking Help for Children with Scoliosis

Treating a child with scoliosis requires a full examination and will often require different approaches depending on the scoliosis severity. If you think your child may suffer from scoliosis contact our office to arrange an appointment.

Early detection with scoliosis is crucial to the treatment and long term maintenance of the issue.

When you make an appointment with our expert chiropractors you know you’re in the best possible hands. Contact us today to see if we can help your child.

Adult Scoliosis and Chiropractic

Adult Scoliosis Examination

Often adults are unaware they have a scoliosis until it is found in an examination for low back pain.

For those adults with scoliosis it is important to maintain the best possible function of their spine.

This is achieved through a healthy lifestyle including a good diet and regular exercise balanced with consistent chiropractic care.

Our professional chiropractors aim to slow or even stop any future degeneration of the spine from occurring by maintenance of good spinal function.

Adults Seeking Help with Scoliosis

If you suffer from pain from scoliosis or want to prevent future damage to your spine from scoliotic changes, contact our office to arrange an appointment.  Early treatment of a scoliotic spine is essential to having a great quality of life in the future.

Do you suspect yourself or your child is suffering from scoliosis? Contact us today to find out how Booval Chiropractic can help you.