• Sports Chiropractic •

Our experienced chiropractors will get you back in the game in no time.

Sports Chiropractic is a field of chiropractic that offers effective treatment of your musculoskeletal issues including painful strains and sprains from sporting injuries.

The most common causes of sporting injuries in athletes are:

  • Muscle asymmetry where one side of the body is different from the other
  • Loss of mobility and flexibility issues
  • loss of spinal movement causing abnormal muscle tightness and strain
  • Muscle spasm and tightness from overuse
  • Trauma during sport causing injuries and placing stress on other areas of the body

When your body is injured it will automatically compensate for the muscle or joint injury by changing muscle tone and muscle movement patterns both in the region of the injury and also other areas of the body as well to protect the injured area.

The troublesome ache in your right shoulder could result from a sports injury to your neck for example, totally unrelated to your shoulder in the first instance.

What Does a Sports Chiropractor Do?

low back pain

A sports chiropractor concentrates on the preventative and maintenance forms of treatment as well as the immediate treatment of
athletes. And not just professional athletes either, our chiropractors see a real mix of athletes including the amateur and weekend sports players.

Proper spinal function is essential for peak performance or play regardless of the seriousness of the competition and the dedication of the player.

The major reason that elite athletes have chiropractic care is for increased performance.

Famous athletes who found that chiropractic care has helped them include Tiger Woods, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Peter Brock, Lance Armstrong, Evander Holyfield and Joe Montana.

Dan O’Brien an Olympic Gold Medalist Decathlete when asked how chiropractic has helped him said: “If it were not for Chiropractic, I would not have won the gold medal.”

What Conditions Can Result from a Sports injury?

Playing sport can affect the body in many different ways both positive and negative. As muscles, joints and ligaments are used throughout all facets of sport strain, injury and trauma can easily occur.

Spinal injuries can limit your range of motion, affect your overall strength and reduce your performance,  not ideal for sportsmen and women at any level.

During participation in sport a high degree of strain on the spine and structural system can occur. The lumbar spine (low back) is the most frequently injured area of the spine and not warming up or cooling down properly is also a huge factor when it comes to sports injuries.

Chiropractic adjustments assist in restoring the natural alignment and balance that was present before any injury occurred. Actually, many professional athletes opt to visit a trained chiropractor before the big match to help strengthen their body and prevent injury.

The Effectiveness of Sports Chiropractic

sports chiropractic

Hamstring injuries are the most prevalent injury when it comes to Australian Rules affecting 16% of the players leading to missed

The latest research from a recent sports study, into sports chiropractic care demonstrated that chiropractic treatment when combined with the best medical practice and sports science management reduced the amount of hamstring injuries amongst semi-elite Australian football players.

Your body, including all its muscles and ligaments, relies upon proper joint movement for peak sporting performance. Injuries to your body can reduce the range of movement and can take you out of your sport indefinitely.

Chiropractic care can help restore full functionality to joints that have restricted movement. Not only can our chiropractors assist to ease the pain but they can speed up the healing of soft tissues injuries and promote rapid healing as well.

Whether you play soccer, football, golf, cricket, netball or bowls, the most effective treatment we recommend for sports injuries is always prevention. We cannot stress this fact enough to our patients.

Seek chiropractic care for your sports injury from our qualified and experienced team.

When you visit one of our professional chiropractors they will set up an individual treatment plan based on your age, sport, body condition, and health objectives. We pride ourselves on our exceptional care and the treatments we offer, and appreciate you taking the time to book your appointment with us.  For more information about your first visit, click here.

Are you suffering form a sports related injury? Contact us today to find out how Booval Chiropractic can help you.