• Exercises •

Discover exercises that may help strengthen and support your spine

Our specific, targeted spinal exercises are an important part of your overall chiropractic treatment plan. These exercises will help you to achieve the best health results possible.

Targeted spinal exercises will help your body recover from injury and restore movement. They will help to restore the function and strength to any injured or dysfunctional areas of your body.  This will allow you to achieve your goals whether that is getting out of pain, improving your fitness, competing in a sporting event, or simply being active with your family.

Each exercise on our website is given to you when it is suitable for you to complete safely.  Only perform these exercises when instructed to by your chiropractor or other health care provider as part of your overall treatment program.

How to use our exercise videos

Perform these exercises exactly as they are demonstrated in our spinal exercise videos. Each exercise has been explicitly designed to help you heal and strengthen your body.

It is essential that you carefully follow the steps in the video. Respect your body and don’t risk further injury by pushing too hard or adding extra steps. If you experience any pain or discomfort, please stop immediately and consult your chiropractor or other healthcare provider.

Exercise Video Library

Does back pain, sciatica, neck pain, headaches or any other condition affect your quality of life? Find out how our chiropractor can help you today.