• Neck Flexibility Exercises •

How to improve your neck flexibility

These neck flexibility exercises are specific stretches that are designed to improve your overall neck movement. They can help to relieve or reduce neck pain and headaches. Only perform these exercises when instructed to by your chiropractor as part of your overall chiropractic treatment program.

Why Are These Exercises Important?

These targeted exercises help to restore function and motion to your neck this will allow you to achieve your goals, whether that be competing in a sporting event, improving your fitness or simply being active with your family.

One of the aims of your chiropractic treatment plan is to restore good function to your body, especially your spine. Exercise is an important component of this overall care. If any of these exercises cause you any pain or discomfort, stop and consult your chiropractor.

When do I do these Exercises?

In most cases these exercises are associated with the initial treatment and rehabilitation phase of your treatment program however they may be used during the preventative phases of care.

Neck Range of Motion

  • Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor, back straight and shoulders down
  • Bend your neck forward onto your chest
  • Hold for 2 seconds
  • Extend your neck to look up at the ceiling
  • Hold for 2 seconds
  • Rotate your neck so you are looking over one shoulder
  • Hold for 2 seconds, repeat to the other side
  • Tilt your head to bring your ear down towards your shoulder
  • Hold for 2 seconds, repeat to the other side
  • Repeat all these movements 10 times, moving slowly and gently.

    *Only move as far as you comfortably can – none of these movements should cause you any pain or discomfort
Neck Range of Motion Demonstration
Trapezius Muscle Stretch Demonstration

Trapezius muscle stretch

  • Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor, back straight and shoulders down
  • To stabilise your stretch use one hand to either hold onto the side of the chair or place it under your buttock
  • Tilt your head away from the stabilising arm
  • Bring your ear towards your shoulder until you feel a stretch
  • To intensify the stretch place your other hand on your head and gently use it to increase the stretch
  • Hold for 30 seconds
  • Repeat each side twice

Levator Scapulae Muscle Stretch

  • Place your hand behind you back
  • Lean your head away and forward you should feel a stretch through you shoulder and the back of your neck
  • Hold for 30 seconds
  • Repeat each side twice
Levator Muscle Stretch Demonstration
SCM Stretch Demonstration

SCM muscle stretch

  • Sit on your hand tilt you head away from that shoulder
  • Turn towards the hand you are sitting on
  • Gently tilt your head backwards until you feel a stretch through the front of the neck
  • Hold for at least 20 seconds
  • Repeat each side twice

Do you suffer from neck pain? Contact us today to find out how Booval Chiropractic can help you.

Source: A special thanks to our fellow practitioners at Ansell Chiropractic Centre for preparing this instructional video.