• Neck Pain •

Stop suffering neck pain and improve your life

When you experience neck pain, it can vary from a mild ache to pain so severe that it interferes with your life.

It may start out as aching, stiff and tired shoulder muscles that become worse over time, especially if left untreated. The longer you put up with the pain or take painkillers for symptom management instead of fixing the cause, the more likely you will end up with permanent damage to the bones and discs in your neck.

What is neck pain?

Neck Pain is a particularly common problem in our modern age with extended computer usage, poor posture, and a lack of exercise often to blame. In fact, it is the second most common condition that brings people to see us.

The neck consists of seven vertebrae between the shoulders and the base of the skull with discs between them. These vertebrae allow the head to move in many different directions.

The brain controls movement and balance through its nerve supply to the muscles and joints. The muscles and ligaments also provide support and stability to the head and neck.

Due to its high degree of flexibility, the neck is particularly vulnerable to injuries, such as whiplash, and damage to the discs, muscles, nerves and ligaments.

What are the causes of neck pain?

Some of the more common causes of neck pain include:

Poor Spinal Function: When the vertebral joints in both the neck and back stop working properly they can affect the discs, nerves and muscles in the neck.

Injuries: Single injuries such as a whiplash or repetitive injuries to the neck will often lead to neck pain. The sudden movement of the head (backwards, forwards or sideways) in an accident can create severe neck pain. With whiplash often the pain isn’t immediate, and indeed it may not start for weeks, months or even years after the initial accident.

 Postural Changes: These changes can be brought on by reduced spinal movement, environmental stresses such as prolonged sitting in an office chair, poor work ergonomics or poor muscle tone and strength.

Spinal Degeneration (Arthritis): Trauma and abnormal function that continues for years can cause wear and tear over time to both the vertebrae and discs.

Medical Conditions: Rare causes of neck pain such as tumours, infections, and fractures must be ruled out before any treatment starts.

What are the symptoms of neck pain?

The most common symptoms associated with neck pain are headaches in both the front and back of the skull, pain on movement, and muscles that spasm or ache.

Pressure on the nerves leaving the neck can also produce radiating pain in the shoulders, arms, wrists and hands. This loss of movement in the neck and the resultant effect on the nervous system can also be related to other symptoms including visual difficulties, dizziness or ringing in the ears.

Can Chiropractic treatment help neck pain? 

Chiropractic has been clinically proven to provide excellent results in relieving neck pain. We have successfully treated thousands of patients suffering from neck pain.

It is important to remember that neck pain is often part of a bigger picture involving your middle and lower back and will only be rectified when it all works correctly.

Our professional chiropractors will look at the functionality of your entire spine to work out what is causing your symptoms.

We will not start your treatment until we have found the cause and designed an individual plan that best suits you.

We will discuss which techniques will be the most suitable for you including the safety of your treatment before we start care.

Your treatment will usually involve specific spinal adjustments, appropriate rehabilitation exercises, and home care advice. You can find out more about what happens on your first visit here.

Do you suffer from neck pain or headaches? Contact us today to find out how Booval Chiropractic can help you.

Source: A special thanks to our fellow practitioners at Ansell Chiropractic Centre for preparing this instructional video.