• Low Back Strengthening Exercises •

How to Strengthen the muscles of your lower back

These specific strengthening exercises are designed to improve the strength of the muscles supporting your low back. This can help to reduce low back pain and sciatica. Only perform these exercises when instructed to by your chiropractor as part of your overall chiropractic treatment program.

is an important component of your chiropractic treatment plan that aims to restore function to your body especially your spine. Targeted exercises help to restore function and strength to an injured or dysfunctional area this will allow you to achieve your goals whether that be competing in a sporting event, improving your fitness or simply being active with your family.

If any of these exercises cause you any pain or discomfort, stop and consult your chiropractor.

Trunk arching

  • Kneel on all fours
  • Arch your back up and hold for 5 seconds
  • Gently move through and lower your stomach towards the ground.
  • Hold here for 5 seconds and repeat the whole motion 10 times.

Leg arm and Leg Raises

  • Start kneeling on all fours on the ground
  • Have your knees hip width apart and hands shoulder width apart, keeping your spine relaxed and neutral (not arched up or down)
  • Contract your abdominal and back muscles and lift one arm hold for 10 seconds
  • Lower and repeat opposite arm then each leg, repeat 10 times
  • To increase difficulty raise alternate arm and leg simultaneously
  • If you struggle to lift your legs to begin with just raise arms one at a time
  • Knees hip width apart and hands shoulder width apart
  • Lift one limb at a time – first arm then leg
  • Hold each position for 10 seconds and repeat all 4 limbs.
  • To increase the difficulty of the exercise do opposite arms and legs at the same time.

Pelvic tilt

  • Lie on your back with both knees bent to 90 degrees and both feet flat on the floor
  • Contract your abdominal muscles by drawing your stomach towards your spine
  • Tilt your pelvis up without lifting your back or hips of the floor, make sure you use your abdominal muscles not your legs
  • Hold for 10 seconds and then return to normal
  • Tilt your pelvis down, pushing into the floor, hold for 10 seconds
  • Repeat the whole motion 10 times

Diagonal Curl Instructions

  • Lie on your back with both knees bent to 90 degrees and both feet flat on the floor
  • Contract your abdominal muscles by drawing your stomach towards your spine
  • Slowly sit up to 45 degrees
  • Reach both arms toward one side, then the other
  • Slowly lower down, keeping your abdominal muscles tightened
  • Rest here for 10 seconds
  • Repeat 10 times, build up to 3 sets

Do you suffer from back pain or sciatica? Contact us today to find out how Booval Chiropractic can help you.

Source: A special thanks to our fellow practitioners at Ansell Chiropractic Centre for preparing this instructional video.